Choosing favorites of ANYTHING has never been easy for me. I like options, I like choice. When I was in high school I worked at an ice...

Starting Point
Where do I start? When I’m making something new for the first time it usually starts with a million notes, measurements, and most...

Wrapped & Packaged
I love meeting my customers in person and getting a feel for their vibe- but usually, that isn’t possible. I like to think of my...

Other than making all of the art and managing my creative business I also have a full-time job. I know, it’s a lot! My art is really just...

Sometimes as an Art Therapist I do what some clients like to think are magic tricks. I just call it practicing within my specialty area-...

Silver Linings
The last year certainly has felt like a gray cloud hanging over my head- 2020 was full of curveballs and my new least favorite word...

I like to think of my palette as “rainbow puke.” If it’s got bright colors, I’m in. It’s how I decorate my office at work, and what I...

Today’s prompt: to show you how I make the things. But what do I show- the bridal bouquet floral preservation process- mixing and pouring...

From the Archive
Before the city portraits and the resin work, I was doing these 4ft x 3ft animal portraits, with acrylic paint gradient backgrounds,...
Focus & Priorities
My main focus at the moment is working to attain some relative balance between work, art, and just general living my life. I do consider...